How Shopping Malls Are Attracting More Customers

How Shopping Malls Are Attracting More Customers

Today’s retailers battle for customer loyalty, conducting calculated campaigns to prove that their version of what is essentially the same product is actually superior in some way. Modern resources like online purchasing and digital product reviews have awakened...
Five Amazingly Designed Shopping Malls

Five Amazingly Designed Shopping Malls

For a mall to attract adequate traffic, its creators must achieve an incredible feat. Their job is devising what will grow into a community’s central hub, a massive commercial structure, which, by virtue of its very existence, is capable of drawing crowds from miles...
Spotlight: The International Council of Shopping Centers

Spotlight: The International Council of Shopping Centers

On a breezy afternoon in March of 1957, seven men sat together in a downtown Chicago hotel. There, they began a discussion the likes of which is exceptionally rare. It was a talk that would spill over into months, years; decades, drawing together voices the world over...
How Shopping Malls Have Become a Destination

How Shopping Malls Have Become a Destination

I’ve talked briefly in another blog about how shopping centers such as Canada’s West Edmonton Mall draw crowds by incorporating interesting and outrageously unique novelties as design factors, like West Edmonton’s built in, fully enclosed World Water Park, which...
How Mall Design Influences Shoppers

How Mall Design Influences Shoppers

When you enter a shopping mall, what strikes you? Are you indifferent to dated or overly generic designs, or drawn to interesting, unique creative elements? Maybe the presence of installed plants, small trees and other vegetation makes you feel serene; perhaps a...