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Shopping Center Trends for 2018

In 2018, consumers are shopping for experience as well as products. Millennials demand multi-sensory activities, and shopping malls are answering those demands by providing a unique user experience, wellness programs and pick-up stores.  Unique User Experience Malls...
Why Shopping Malls Should Embrace Technology

Why Shopping Malls Should Embrace Technology

The eruption of online technology is viewed by some retailers as a dire threat to the shopping mall’s existence. In truth, such technology is likely the vehicle through which the shopping mall solidifies its future. Convenience has always factored largely into...
Five Amazingly Designed Shopping Malls

Five Amazingly Designed Shopping Malls

For a mall to attract adequate traffic, its creators must achieve an incredible feat. Their job is devising what will grow into a community’s central hub, a massive commercial structure, which, by virtue of its very existence, is capable of drawing crowds from miles...